Meet Antonia & Jonny- Founders of Nursem

Antonia & Jonny Founders of Nursem
We love a good birth story so give us the dets of how Nursem came into the world?
Antonia: We like to think of Nursem as our third baby - the other two Oscar (2) and Harry (8 months) come in more of a human form - so talking of births is definitely relevant! The idea which led to the birth of Nursem came about when I was off work for a week due to contact dermatitis - this was a result of the constant hand washing required as a nurse. I did a little digging and found this to be a problem that affects nearly all nurses during their career. Following this revelation, we both started working on a hand cream formula that was effective, natural, free from nasty chemicals and something nurses could use repeatedly throughout a busy shift. While Nursem might not have cried or needed its nappy changing - there's definitely been some challenges along the way, but equally moments of joy and happiness.
What has been the biggest leap of faith you've made as a business so far?
Jonny: Hmmmm… taking a new direction with our skincare business by changing the name to Nursem and doing an overhaul of the brand was definitely a big leap, but we’re so glad we did take that leap.
What has been the proudest Nursem moment you have had?
Antonia: I think hitting 20,000 healthcare professionals helped through the Nursem Promise (a promise that for every product we sell, we will give a month’s worth of free hand care to a nurse or midwife) was such a huge moment for us. The realisation that Nursem was making a real difference out there in the NHS community was very humbling and made us feel very proud!
Running a business with a fam can be mega crazy. How do you keep all the plates spinning?
Jonny: Tell me about it! Harry arrived in the middle of 2019 and since then juggling our two boys alongside a skincare business has definitely been crazy. I think keeping ourselves grounded, making time for special moments with the boys and keeping a good work life/balance are really what has kept all those plates spinning.

What were you doing before you started Nursem?
Antonia: I’m currently on maternity leave and will be returning to my work as a paediatric nurse in a few months - I absolutely love it and I’ve now been qualified for nearly 12 years . Jonny worked for science city in Newcastle as an innovation manager.

Tell us what 5 products (beauty or anything) you can't live without?
  1. Our coffee machine. Only one a day is needed but it has to be a good one.
  2. Our Nursem hand cream- all those nappy changes and tidying up after a weaning child and a toddler ruins your hands.
  3. Childs Farm Shampoo - So good for the kiddies bath time and stops those ‘shampoo in the eyes’ tears.
  4. Harry’s Bouncer - This thing keeps him occupied for a while especially when Antonia needs both hands - he’s like Tigger without the stripes!
  5. Slow cooker- great for rustling up a meal which will be ready for dinner time. House also smells great!
 If you could pull out your crystal ball and see 5 years in the future what's happening with you guys?

Jonny: I think it’s hard to really say where we would like to be, as a business we would love to be known as the go-to skincare brand for hard working skin in the UK - and on a personal level the main thing is that our family is happy and healthy, and that our boys are loved and have every opportunity that we can give them.

What's your spirit animal and why?
Antonia: I would say my spirit animal is an elephant. I’d like to say that one of the reasons I’m good at my job is because I’m a gentle / sympathetic person. You can’t care for people if you don’t have these traits.
To find out more about this incredibly caring duo and their brand head to

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